Canadian Rocket Store


Pro29 5 Grain Motor Casing. Fits "H" Reloads. [CTI-P29-5G]


Pro29 5 Grain Motor Casing. Fits \"H\" Reloads.


Pro 29 5G Casing. Does not include Rear Closure (sold separately)
Forward Closure is included in the reload kits. You only need the Casing, Rear Closure (P29-CL), Delay Adjustment Tool (P38-DAT) with 29 Centering Ring (P29-CR) and Any Pro29-5G Reload. You need the Spacer (P29-SP) if you choose to load 3G or 4G reload into this 5G casing.

Manufactured from thin-wall 6061-T6 aluminum tubing with a clear anodized coating for corrosion protection, Pro29 motor cases are lightweight but strong, capable of holding well over 3000 psi of internal pressure. The forward closure is retained by a formed rim at the head end of the casing. The rear of the casing has precision-machined internal threads.

Don't forget that you'll need a delay adjustment tool for your Pro29 reloads, unless you use electronic ejection exclusively. The ProDAT-38 tool allows you to choose from 5 preset delay times with every reload.

Cesaroni Pro29 features super-fast and hassle-free assembly, adjustable delays, instant ignition, and mess-free unloading.
With the quickest and most reliable factory-supplied ignition system on the market, Pro29 motors are the smart choice for new fliers.
Pro29 reloadable high power rocket motors are available in six sizes, there's a Pro29 motor ideal for your application!

Pro29 motor cases are not compatible with any other brand of reload.

  • Manufactured by: Cesaroni Technology Inc.

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